Garrett Public Relations Blog

Happy Cinco de Mayo! To Celebrate, Here Are Five Takeaways From My Weekend at the AMA Leadership Summit

This weekend, I had the opportunity to attend the American Marketing Association Leadership Summit in Chicago. Along with great networking and the chance to bond with my fellow board members, I learned some things. Here, in no particular order, are my top five takeaways (there were lots more, but I

Happy Cinco de Mayo! To Celebrate, Here Are Five Takeaways From My Weekend at the AMA Leadership Summit Read More »

Celebrating 15 Years of Bliss!

When I set own to start my own public relations consulting business 15 years ago, I didn’t really know what to expect. My first solo venture was both exciting and terrifying…I’d laid the foundation for months, even years, prior to hanging out my shingle. I’d talked to other solopreneurs about

Celebrating 15 Years of Bliss! Read More »

Michelle's B2B PR Book is AVAILABLE NOW!

B2B PR Book cover